As promised...
Next up.... LONDON!
With all the rain in recent weeks, I had just about given up on seeing any large quantities of the white fluffy stuff before 2009. I have yet to see any flakes out my office window, but the skies are ominously gray, and my co-worker just announced to our pod that the storm hit the 128-belt only minutes ago. The weather channels are predicting heavy snow beginning this evening lasting into the wee hours of Saturday morning, and a snow emergency went into effect at 9am this morning. Schools were canceled across the board and companies are granting early dismissal to their employees. Although many people dread this kind of Nor'eastah, as a devoted patron of public transportation, I just look forward to the peaceful lull that nearly every winter storm brings. Three cheers for the first real snow of the season!
(I'll be sure to post some pics tomorrow -- the one used in this post is from 2007 and is not mine)
In a Fog
Not having dad around every day has forced me to be somewhat self sufficient in troubleshooting problems that I usually left to him. He probably has found the same thing true as well. I'll be glad when we are back living together every day and we can revert to our own realm of expertise!
What is wrong in this world?
Ideas for Londontown
- Portrait Gallery
- Ben's Cookies
- War Museum
- Cambridge/Oxford (day trip if we have time)
- British Museum and Reading Room
- Greenwich
- The Globe Theatre
- Kew Gardens - Richmond
- Portobello Road
- Camden for outdoor shopping
- He also suggested two Curry Houses (I thought maybe we could supplant the Chinese Food on Christmas Eve with some good London Curry):
- Khan's (Typical curry house in Bayswater)
- Rasa Samudra (all Fish, near Forrester's London office)
Winter Formal 2008
Okay, here are the pics. Everyone looked great and they all said they had a fun time. Which is, afterall, the point!
Colleen and her date - Bradley. (Melissa, note
the sneakers.)
The Farn Family (aka Fearsome Foursome), Haley, Colleen, Mel, and Sarah.
Group Shot
College Bound
Turkey Day to Christmas Cheer
I cooked a 18 lb turkey with all the trimmings and I baked apple, pecan, and pumpkin pies. The crust was particularly flaky this year, always a plus. I almost think we only need the turkey to cook the stuffing in as all the sides were eaten by Sunday, but the turkey is still left! We did a little shopping on Black Friday, took several long walks (always a tradition in the Kerrick household), played a little golf (dad golfed a lot), played Scrabble, had mani/pedis and took in the new xmas movie Four Christmases. Our take was a little over the top in places, but silly. Alas, Turkey Day has come and gone; Colleen and I are home alone once again. Dad, Em, and Grammie are back at their respective homes. Here I am at the end of the day...... exhausted!
Ciao Bella's!
Colleen Goes Low
Quick Update.
Madrid, Edinburgh, and more London
Can we get some authority please?
This op-ed from The New York Times' David Brooks came out a few weeks ago, but I keep coming back to it. We are in the midst of an exciting, volatile, and historical time. Regardless of who is elected president next month, we are in dire need of some real authority - political and economic alike. What we have and have had isn't working, and I feel strongly that change is imperative.
As a nation we have lost a sense of "community" that was at one time representative of what it meant to be an American - high-powered execs and politicians are skimming off the top (even in the face of bankruptcy and the federal bailout, AIG spent 400K on an executive retreat), hostile bipartisanship threatens the effectiveness of our state and national leaders, and everyone is concerned only with number one -- themselves. Where is the unifying thread? The sense that we are all in this together?
I'm not sure that we have hit rock bottom yet, but I believe that as we navigate, and eventually overcome, these economic, social, and political crises, our nation desperately needs some authority in order to emerge hopeful, strong and united.
My new do!
Full Circle
Touched Down in London Town
These are the Best Days of our Lives...
"Fear and loathing pave the road to college. But ask recent graduates to reflect on their experience, and they advise kids to forget rankings, chill out and get ready to savor the best years of their lives."
I'm sure both Melissa and I can attest to the fact that regardless of what happens during the application process (rejections/acceptanes alike), it's up to you to make your college years count. Get involved early and enjoy the ride. Congrats on the first step Bean!
Blogging 101
I am off to the airport to send Mel on her way to London and her new adventure! She is excited but nervous as she knows no one in her particular program. I am surprised that she is nervous because she has done this so many times before with great success. I know she will be fine and the fam will be joining her in December for an xmas getaway.
Openning season for golf was yesterday. We played a scramble, my team came in second ($15 in the pro shop for dad!) and I won the closet to the pin contest and a sleeve a pink golf balls. The luncheon was delicious and I am looking forward to the season.
Dad arrives home tonight for the 3rd weekend in a row. Ike will be in KC over the weekend, and PVB is going to be sunny and hot and humid. A much better place to be. So far, once again, PVB and Jax have been spared the worst of hurricane season. I hope in KC we will be in the same position to escape the worst of tornado season.Colleen was esctatic yesterday as she turned in her first college application to FSU. Today she is applying to UConn. She is a busy beaver.
Off the ROCK
Moody Moving Blues
I have recruited a few strong friends -- the American Gladiators were busy -- to help me carry the heavy stuff (read: all of it). Aunt Nancy sprained her ankle last week so this might be the first time in 5 years that she will not be a part of my move. Melissa is going to be heading to Boston a day early, and as long as traffic isn't too bad, I'll have an extra set of hands/expert design eyes. I'll post some pics of the new digs next week. Perhaps next year I will be one of the lucky ones who gets to relax on their Labor Day long weekend!
Working Hard or Hardly Working?
On Sunday, Kevin and I stopped at the Eck's to say hi. They were in the process of getting the pekes ready for their annual trek Good Dog Goods in Oak Bluffs -- on bikes. Scooter and Sully were outfitted for the old bike trailer and looked hilarious. Apparently last year Scooter kept trying to push his head through the Velcro enclosure and Kerri was worried that he would fall out. Kevin really took a liking to Scooter. The Eck's are also having a "Peke Pen" built in Braintree so the boys can spend more time outside.
I made it back to Boston in time to get all of my paperwork in and get to bed early. So far I have had a great experience with Forrester. Everyone I met during my day-long orientation today was so friendly and eager to answer any questions we had. They had everything set up for us, so I got my email, phone extension, badges, and laptop right off the bat. I already had 35 emails and am booked up for meetings through the end of the week. There are no offices in the building -- we work in "pods" instead to foster communication and efficiency. Even George F. Colony works in an executive pod. There are fooz-ball and ping-pong tables in the cafeteria and most of the associates I met were around my age or a little bit older. It feels strange to be starting over again, but I am looking forward to establishing myself and all of the opportunities this venture will provide.
At the end of September I will be participating in "Starting Blocks," Forrester's global corporate training program. They fly in new hires from all of their offices for three days, and we will get an in depth explanation of the company's history, values, mission, and best practices. One of the days we will even have lunch with George F. Colony (GFC) and the rest of the executive team - so yes Dad, I will get to meet the CEO.
Here are some pictures from the weekend. Enjoy!