Colleen Goes Low
Quick Update.
Madrid, Edinburgh, and more London
Can we get some authority please?
This op-ed from The New York Times' David Brooks came out a few weeks ago, but I keep coming back to it. We are in the midst of an exciting, volatile, and historical time. Regardless of who is elected president next month, we are in dire need of some real authority - political and economic alike. What we have and have had isn't working, and I feel strongly that change is imperative.
As a nation we have lost a sense of "community" that was at one time representative of what it meant to be an American - high-powered execs and politicians are skimming off the top (even in the face of bankruptcy and the federal bailout, AIG spent 400K on an executive retreat), hostile bipartisanship threatens the effectiveness of our state and national leaders, and everyone is concerned only with number one -- themselves. Where is the unifying thread? The sense that we are all in this together?
I'm not sure that we have hit rock bottom yet, but I believe that as we navigate, and eventually overcome, these economic, social, and political crises, our nation desperately needs some authority in order to emerge hopeful, strong and united.