The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.


These are the Best Days of our Lives...

Given that Colleen has just submitted her first application and will be in the midst of applying to schools for much of the fall, I found this NY Times article very relevant:

Don't Worry, Be Students
"Fear and loathing pave the road to college. But ask recent graduates to reflect on their experience, and they advise kids to forget rankings, chill out and get ready to savor the best years of their lives."

I'm sure both Melissa and I can attest to the fact that regardless of what happens during the application process (rejections/acceptanes alike), it's up to you to make your college years count. Get involved early and enjoy the ride. Congrats on the first step Bean!

1 comment:

Nancy Murphy said...

Congrats Bean! "Enjoy the ride", indeed. Work hard, do your best, have no regrets and good things will follow. For soon you will be 'almost 50'! :)