The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.


Graduation Day

The diploma

Better late than never even if it is a little out of order with my other blog entries. Jim and I now have three daughters that have successfully graduated high school from The Bolles School.

The sisters

The graduation ceremony for our favorite youngest daughter (as Jim would say) was a proud and memorable moment for us as parents.  Not only a milestone in her life, but a chapter closed on what has been the main focus in our lives since the kids were born. No need to repeat the long, sad story of the rainy week, weekend, ceremony snafus, and Jim's medical woes. Colleen will be starting at Villanova on August 20. Stay tuned for what is next in her future......

The happy graduate at the post grad party

The very cool cake, top view
Side view

1 comment:

Nancy Murphy said...

it seems like so long ago...Go Wildcats!