The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.



Another quiet morning on MVY. I am catching up on my blog reading which I really don't do very often. Although, every time I read the blogs I am following I am inspired to write more. I found my first blog to follow through the newspaper in Jacksonville, FL. Since then the author, a young 27 year old divorced woman, remarried with a 6 yr old son, has written two additional blogs and I am following them all. I really enjoy what she has to say. If you are interested they are: SingleMomLand, MarriedinSingleMomLand, and RunningFromTheFatLady. Also, Em's friend Emily has a blog that I just started to follow Marginalian.

So, today I am inspired to write on my own blog and recommitted to writing more often. I guess I'll make this another goal for the summer along with reading the Boston Globe cover to cover each day, not putting on any poundage over the summer months while we are eating and drinking each weekend, and sewing on my projects a little each day. I just bought a special OttLite for sewing which I hope helps me to be able to distinguish between similar colors better.

I know everyone likes to see pictures, so here are a few I want to share:

Jim's first weekend on island.

Colleen hard at work!

Mel and the girls at Summer Shades looking good.


Em said...

What a great post :) Love the pics! Can't wait to spend some time with you.

Nancy Murphy said...

i know it's not easy keeping up with it and you really do need to feel 'inspired'...heck, i can't even manage to tweet on a regular basis! :) But I do hope you keep it up as i look forward to ready and seeing what you guys are up to. Love you!!