The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.


Escape From The City

Not that I need to escape, but I was looking forward to spending an overnight on Martha's Vineyard in the fall with Nancy, Kim, and JDog. So with TS Ida bearing down on southeastern Mass I headed to Woods Hole and the ferry in the wind and rain. Even though the weekend was on and off rainy, cloudy, and muggy, the house was comfy, cozy, and quiet. A nice indoor fire along with a flute of bubbly took the chill off. During a break in the rain, Java raced between the dunes and the surf with unleashed abandon. South beach was wild and windswept.

Nancy and Kim, Java was off exploring.

Edgartown was devoid of summer crowds and we enjoyed a lunch out and some late season shopping in the few stores still open for business.

At the Atlantic with cocktails, of course.

Just some of the reasons the off season on the Vineyard is just as appealing as the hectic months of summer. Our last hurrah at Kotemy Circle is fast approaching when we celebrate Thanksgiving. We will all be there to say goodbye to Paradise North and look forward to our new adventure down the street on Mill Hill Farm Road in 2011.

Chillin' at 1 Kotemy Circle.


Em said...

This is such a great post! I love the pics too :)

Nancy Murphy said...

It was a fun weekend - except for the apparent food poisoning I got Saturday afternoon. Java had a great time, too...and he was such a GOOD BOY! (honestly, Jim, he was!) :)