The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.


2010 Fight for Air Climb Jax

It is hard to meet a person these days whose life hasn't been touched by cancer in some way. Cancer reared its ugly head in my family about 35 years ago. For all the many types of cancer out there, there are foundations, associations, and fund raisers to help beat those cancers. Last fall I went to a Light the Night Lung Cancer event at the Prudential Building in Boston. This event recognized and honored the many lives that have been affected by this silent killer and at 9 pm sharp we lit candles and the lights of the top floors of the Pru were switched on. I didn't know much about lung cancer so this event was informative, inspiring, and beautiful.

About two months ago, I came across a newspaper article promoting a Fight for Air Climb to support lung cancer research. Further investigation revealed that this is a national event in cities across the country on the same day. In Jacksonville it was the second annual. The climb takes place at the tallest building in Jax, the Bank of America at 42 stories. So I signed up, went to several training sessions, my quads and calves took a beating, but it was good preparation. The climb was last Saturday, Feb. 6. Here are my pics:

The Building

Have chip will climb.

All finished, ready for a massage.

The view from the top. Awesome.

There were 299 climbers in all raising over $120,000 (each climber had to raise a minimum of $100). The fastest climb was 4:49 (zowie), slowest 42:21 (there were also 2 climbers at around 1:30:23). Total women climbers numbered 178. I came in 9th of 32 in my age group, 55th of all women climbers. lst in my age group climbed in 8:24, my time was 10:17.

Two friends climbed the Mellon Building in Boston, 84 flights of stairs. In NYC they climb the Empire State Building, maybe next year.

1 comment:

Em said...

You look so cute! This seems like a great event, great pics. Can't wait to see you this weekend!