The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.


New Favorite Past Time

Day One
The beach

My new favorite past time at the beach is hunting for shark's teeth. They come in different sizes and are gray, black or brown. In ten years the average Tiger shark sheds 24,000 teeth! My friend and mentor, Janet Koegler, got me started. She showed me what to look for and gave me a head start with a few teeth. My first day was a modest find of 9 teeth (12 including the teeth Janet gave me). However, I am a quick learner and yesterday I found 15 and today was a personal best of 33! It doesn't look like much, but I still have 17 days to go!

Total to date!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Mary you have way too much time on your hands!