The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.


What a Day for a Bike Ride

Bike Path

Kite Surfer on Sengekontacket
Nantucket Sound
Taking advantage of a perfect fall day in late September I set off for Oak Bluff, a 20 mile round trip bike ride. One reason I love this particular ride is that it snakes along the beach with beautiful vistas of Sengekontacket Pond on one side and the Nantucket Sound on the other.

Gingerbread Houses in OB

East Chop Light overlooking Nantucket Sound
It is the ride our family took on our first visit to the Vineyard in the summer of 1996. Although I had received email alerts that Steamship Authority boats were being diverted from OB to Vineyard Haven, it didn't register how windy it was until I had reached my destination of the East Chop Lighthouse and turned around to head home. 5 miles in and I was wishing I had some money to hop on the bus, bike and all. Battling a headwind the entire 10 miles, I made it back tired and sweaty.

1 comment:

Nancy Murphy said...

Sounds nice, Mar. Did it get you psyched up for PMC 2012?! :)