The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.



When I look at my twitter feed I see retweets from my daughters and their friends about "whitegirlproblems" or "sororitygirlproblems" so why not "middleagewomanproblems".  My quest is the perfect hair style for the upcoming nuptials of Emily and Kevin. Having been on the move for the past three years, and spending only a few months in any one place, women everywhere can imagine the challenges of finding a salon and stylist that can get it right. On top of that, I have short hair, enough said.  I think I have probably visited 7 different salons, some more than once, in the past 18 months.

The funny thing is (and I chuckle here) that I clearly remember my mother in middle age squinting in the mirror and cutting her own hair. My sisters and I would roll our eyes and wonder why she just didn't leave it to the professionals.

Well now I know -- it is "middleagewomanproblems".

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