The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.


Tis the Season

Although I haven't been truly religious since my departure for college in 1977 (maybe even before that), I have slowly evolved into a Catholic in name only. You know the ones, you only see them at church on Easter and Christmas. I have tried other faiths on for size over the years, but it just never felt right. I was an interloper, a misfit, an impostor. I say instead that I am spiritual, moral, a person of faith. So when my daughter inquired what I was giving up for Lent, I not only didn't have an answer, I hadn't even thought about it. That said and the fact that Lent started two weeks ago, I have decided to give up my daily Starbucks/Caribou coffee run. Anyone that knows me, knows that I never miss a day it is so ingrained into my routine. Sacrifice and discipline are good, even if it isn't because of religion. Check back with me on Easter.

1 comment:

Peter Damilatis said...

That's quite the monumental task. Good luck Spicer!