The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.


Turkey Day to Christmas Cheer

What a beautiful weekend of family togetherness, sunny weather, and good eats! However, Melissa was sorely missed by all of us. Here are the two girls out back before dinner. Yes, Mel, Em raided your closet for something to wear as she only brought jeans and I wanted turkey day attire.

I cooked a 18 lb turkey with all the trimmings and I baked apple, pecan, and pumpkin pies. The crust was particularly flaky this year, always a plus. I almost think we only need the turkey to cook the stuffing in as all the sides were eaten by Sunday, but the turkey is still left! We did a little shopping on Black Friday, took several long walks (always a tradition in the Kerrick household), played a little golf (dad golfed a lot), played Scrabble, had mani/pedis and took in the new xmas movie Four Christmases. Our take was a little over the top in places, but silly. Alas, Turkey Day has come and gone; Colleen and I are home alone once again. Dad, Em, and Grammie are back at their respective homes. Here I am at the end of the day...... exhausted!

The fall decorations are all packed away and I have begun decorating for the Christmas and New Year holiday. Melissa, I am missing your help in setting up and decorating the tree!!! I turned the topiary xmas lights on this evening and it looks festive already. Only 3 short weeks until our London getaway!!


Ciao Bella's!

Last week was SPRING BREAK, wooooo!!! Well, it was more like Fall Break.... but you get the picture. Two of my friends from London and I went to Italia for the week. We left Friday night...

 (no Halloween for us ergo no cute costume pictures... Colleen, you need to post yours fyi)

...and flew to Milan. Got in late that night, had to walk around in the rain to find our hotel... not the best start, but the next day was gorgeous and we had a great time exploring the city. On Sunday we went to Lake Como, GORGEOUS, I bought a house. No George Clooney sightings which was a shame, but it was still great. Then Monday morning we got up at 3am so we could catch a bus to the airport to catch our flight to ROMA at 6. Rome was amazing. The Pantheon is still my favorite sight, it is SO COOL!!! Its hard to believe that so much of Rome was built SO long ago... its ancient. We stayed at this great hotel where we met up with another one of our friends from London. Did 3 days of hard core sightseeing and on Wednesday night took a train to Florence where we relaxed until Saturday. All in all it was a great vacation, a little hectic at some points and I was definitely ready to come back to London where I didn't have to live out of a suitcase and knew the language. But I am for sure going to miss the food and wine!

So now Im back in London, back to the daily grind (which isn't so bad when your in london!!!), looking forward to Yoli's visit next weekend, Thanksgiving, and a few day trips out of the city (Stonehenge, Bath, and Brighton). It's getting cold and today we are going to see the lights turn on on Oxford Street, YAY Christmas season! I've already started listening to my music... too soon???

MISS YOU, xoxo Mel.


Fall Fun

Kevin and me at the "To The Max" charity event

Octopus for Halloween!

At the BC football game!