The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.


You Know It's Time To Head South.....

...when the Frog Pond on Boston Common opens for skating season (last night!).
...when the newspapers and magazines are full of skiing advertisements and articles.
...the streets of the city look a little more like Christmas every day.

Bye, bye Boston. Hello sunny, warm Ponte Vedra Beach.


Christmas Nostalgia

This post is for those whose Christmas memories include an annual trek to Downtown Crossing Boston to view the Jordan Marsh (now Macy's) Christmas display The Enchanted Village. A series of Victorian era Christmas vignettes. Jordan's Furniture (no relation to JM) recently purchased and refurbished the displays. They are available for viewing in all their past splendor at the JF Avon store complete with snow which is periodically switched on to the delight of small, wide-eyed children. I recently visited JF and enjoyed the retooled displays. They are very nicely done and it was heartwarming to see the kids running in awe from display to display and their excitement when it started "snowing". If you decide to go, try to visit at an off time. The entrance reminded me of a Disney wait line (about 8 chain lined switchbacks) and visitors must walk through the ENTIRE store upon exiting. If you can get by the obvious commercial and holiday hype, it is a fun walk down memory lane.

Teddy in the pickle barrel.

Stockings hung by the fire with care, presents under the tree.

Fireside Christmas stories and cookies.


Escape From The City

Not that I need to escape, but I was looking forward to spending an overnight on Martha's Vineyard in the fall with Nancy, Kim, and JDog. So with TS Ida bearing down on southeastern Mass I headed to Woods Hole and the ferry in the wind and rain. Even though the weekend was on and off rainy, cloudy, and muggy, the house was comfy, cozy, and quiet. A nice indoor fire along with a flute of bubbly took the chill off. During a break in the rain, Java raced between the dunes and the surf with unleashed abandon. South beach was wild and windswept.

Nancy and Kim, Java was off exploring.

Edgartown was devoid of summer crowds and we enjoyed a lunch out and some late season shopping in the few stores still open for business.

At the Atlantic with cocktails, of course.

Just some of the reasons the off season on the Vineyard is just as appealing as the hectic months of summer. Our last hurrah at Kotemy Circle is fast approaching when we celebrate Thanksgiving. We will all be there to say goodbye to Paradise North and look forward to our new adventure down the street on Mill Hill Farm Road in 2011.

Chillin' at 1 Kotemy Circle.


Night Noise

It has been a challenge these last few months getting used to the noise of the city. The sounds of the street seem like they are right out our window even though we are on the 32nd floor. Most times the middle of the night seems like the middle of the day. Not only are all the buildings lit up as if it were daylight, there is the constant rat-a-tat-tat of a jack hammer, beep beep of trucks backing up, police sirens, fire truck sirens, jet planes taking off and landing, motorcycles, it is non-stop. Except for last night. Last night was eerily quiet, but in a good way. Now if my hot flashes didn't wake me every hour or so I'd be all set for a good nights rest.