The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.


Five Things

It's been awhile since my last blog, and a LOT has transpired. I am going to jump ahead for now and then recap the summer in a later blog.

Five Things I Like About Minneapolis:

5 - MN accents - you betcha.
4 - No humidity after August.
3 - City living.
2 - The outdoorsy life.
1 - Being with my honey!!!

Five Things I Miss About Ponte Vedra:

5 - The beach.
4 - Sunshine 95% of the time.
3 - Long days.
2 - Golfing with the gals.
1 - Friends.

Five Things I Don't Miss About Ponte Vedra:
P.S. Okay, I admit, this is a stretch and it took me longer to think of reasons I don't miss PVB.

5 - Our big house.
4 - Bugs and geckos.
3 - Humidity.
2 - 90 degree plus days in September.
1 - Living w/o my honey 5 out of 7 days a week.

There you have it in a nutshell!