The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.



When Jim and I were newly married 28 years ago, living in the city was always something we dreamed of doing when our children were older, something hard to imagine as young parents dealing with babies, toddlers, and the trying years of tweens and teens. But, viola, our time has come! The girls are happily settled in work and college. After living in Florida for the past 10+ years it has been fun quasi-living in Boston. Not only to explore the city and spend time with each other, but to reconnect with old friends. Being busy with day to day living and activities, there is always an excuse not to sit down and pick up the phone, email, or even (gasp) send a hand written note. Days, weeks, months, then years go by and before you know it, it seems almost awkward to make contact. So more time goes by and friendships that once seemed like they would last forever become a distant, pleasant memory. It takes two to stay in touch, but one to initiate the dialogue. Not that this is anything new, but in a time of constantly evolving technology staying in touch couldn't be easier, so why is it that we don't? As we prepare to make yet another move across the country to another state, another city, I renew my determination to take the time to stay connected.



Loaded up and ready to go drop Colleen at Villanova University outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the start of freshman year. Here we come Villa-Lots-O-Fun!!! Wow, college drop off is intense. Note however, Jim and I were taking a golf road trip and dropping off furniture for Melissa at Duke. Still....

Freshman all live on one section of campus in a cluster of freshman dorms, dining hall, fitness facility, etc. Very nice, clean, and friendly, if small for three freshman girls. For anyone wanting to send snail mail and/or care packages her address is:

Villanova University
Good Counsel Hall, Room 204
P.O. Box 1421
800 Lancaster Avenue
Villanova, PA 19085-1679

Colleen's roomies are from New Jersey and Martha's Vineyard (small world!). Freshman orientation began Thursday night and lasted until Sunday. The students were split into groups of 23 with an upperclassman as OC (orientation counselor). They participated in team building activities, dined together, and got to know students from other dorms to introduce them to different kids and broaden their friend base.

Kelly (NJ), Alexia (MVY), Colleen in their room.

On the way to the crab bash a week later, we stopped in Pinehurst to play golf, walk the hallowed ground of the pros, and to pose with Payne Stewart (since we didn't like the pros). What fun.

Back on MVY for the end of summer in New England, labor day on Chappy Beach. How tranquil. Is this what we have in store as empty nesters? Maybe too tranquil, time will tell.


Sunset at Chappy, good-bye summer.