The adventures and musings of a recent empty-nested Floridian housewife transplanted to Minneapolis, Minnesota the freezer of America.


Graduation Day

The diploma

Better late than never even if it is a little out of order with my other blog entries. Jim and I now have three daughters that have successfully graduated high school from The Bolles School.

The sisters

The graduation ceremony for our favorite youngest daughter (as Jim would say) was a proud and memorable moment for us as parents.  Not only a milestone in her life, but a chapter closed on what has been the main focus in our lives since the kids were born. No need to repeat the long, sad story of the rainy week, weekend, ceremony snafus, and Jim's medical woes. Colleen will be starting at Villanova on August 20. Stay tuned for what is next in her future......

The happy graduate at the post grad party

The very cool cake, top view
Side view


It's A Beach Day!

Is this beautiful or what?

A small, but happy gathering.

It's A Beach Day! def.- (noun) any day during summer on MVY regardless of weather; first coined by Joseph Eck circa 2003. 

Nothing can stop a beach day on MVY not wind, not fog, not rain, not cold temps. Luckily, we had none of those yesterday as we celebrated the first official beach day of 2009. It was a small crowd, but a content and happy one. The plovers are nesting, 800+ nests this year so beach space will be at a premium. Do they really need to have that many nests? There will only be about 1/2 mile of beach available for the next 30 days (how long it takes to hatch, etc). That takes us into late July some of the busiest days of the season. Come first, come often. I think that will be our motto this summer. So, get out your towels, chairs, umbrellas, sunscreen, grills, blenders, wine, beer, food, games, etc and get ready to head to the beach for some crazy fun and sun.



Another quiet morning on MVY. I am catching up on my blog reading which I really don't do very often. Although, every time I read the blogs I am following I am inspired to write more. I found my first blog to follow through the newspaper in Jacksonville, FL. Since then the author, a young 27 year old divorced woman, remarried with a 6 yr old son, has written two additional blogs and I am following them all. I really enjoy what she has to say. If you are interested they are: SingleMomLand, MarriedinSingleMomLand, and RunningFromTheFatLady. Also, Em's friend Emily has a blog that I just started to follow Marginalian.

So, today I am inspired to write on my own blog and recommitted to writing more often. I guess I'll make this another goal for the summer along with reading the Boston Globe cover to cover each day, not putting on any poundage over the summer months while we are eating and drinking each weekend, and sewing on my projects a little each day. I just bought a special OttLite for sewing which I hope helps me to be able to distinguish between similar colors better.

I know everyone likes to see pictures, so here are a few I want to share:

Jim's first weekend on island.

Colleen hard at work!

Mel and the girls at Summer Shades looking good.


Sorry for the Delay- - Weary Traveler

Okay, taking some heat for not blogging for awhile. It has been a hectic month. Where to start, hmmmm. Colleen's high school graduation was held indoors for the first time in 21 years and only the 3rd time in 77 years. We had 24 inches of rain in 5 days. So should we cut the school some slack that Jim and I not only didn't sit together, but he had to watch on closed circuit tv from an alternate location? I think not, the powers that be had almost a week to get it together. Anyway, it was a lovely ceremony, she looked beautiful in her white dress and white gloves. The after party was a success even with a deluge of rain as we were arriving. Another Bolles graduate. She is off to Villanova in August! We had a pleasant weekend with Peg and Nancy and the girls. Jim unfortunately was not feeling up to par, long story short we spent 2 of 3 days in the ER, tests that came back normal, different meds, bad reaction to meds, back to Boston.....turns out it was a bad gout attack.  He was feeling ready for golf by Saturday so I knew he was on the mend.

Colleen and I began our road trip to MVY and the summer months. En route we had a lovely visit with sisters Jo and Kate and their families. Stopped for an overnight in the Poconos with Aunt Mary. We had good travel weather, and it was cool and crisp by the time we got to Boston on Sunday in time for Em's 24th birthday. We had a lovely dinner in the North End (endless yummy restaurants). It was a long four days of travel, but that should be the last Florida/Boston road trip!  Two of Colleen's best friends surprised her by flying to Boston for a visit. She was so surprised! They drove over to MVY with us on Monday afternoon. Feels good to finally be here, lots of work to get settled for the summer and I am exhausted every evening. As a matter of fact, I am ready for bed now! Jim gave me an Apple Macbook for our anniversary so I am getting acclimated. Unfortunately, no pictures yet. I am having issues with my camera, hope to have a resolution this weekend and I can post some pics. The girls have started work, business is slow although I think there seems to be a good amount of people here for the shoulder season. Hope to have the house in tiptop shape for when Jimbo comes over for the first time next weekend. For now....I'm exhausted zzzzzzzzz.